I personally love this area! It has a beautiful energy which resonates on a real soul level, and the sunlights reflection in the rock pools make for a stunning change from the sandy beaches.
The Pines, they speak their own story... growing tall and strong against all the elements.
For me their silhouette against the morning sunrise is a testament of the beauty of Mother Nature, and that in our own creation if we stand tall and hold strong against all the elements, we too can achieve great wonders.
And lastly.... the chair of contemplation! Here, I can sit and ponder my thoughts. My mind often races with so many thoughts and ideas, and that is on top of managing everyday duties such as work commitments and family, and other challenges that crop up which I am sure you can all relate too... so this becomes the moment where I can sit, take a few deep breaths, feel the sunlight on my face, and have a 'ME' moment. It doesn't last long, 5 mins if I stretch it, but it is enough for me to centre myself, regroup my thinking and be prepared (that's what I tell myself! lol) for whatever this new day brings.
Visualisation is a powerful tool, which means you don't have to be anywhere special to 'do' it, you just need to be able to close your eyes and imagine that vision in your mind, then expand it to your other senses... ie: imagine you can see the sun coming up, then imagine you can feel the warmth on your skin. From here your body usually reacts with a deep breath and a sigh (you are starting to relax). Think more about your vision... see the gentle waves rolling in and crashing on the shore... and the sound of those waves crashing on the shore, and maybe some birds in the trees, are you starting to get my drift?
But sometimes we can be so hyped up with life that we even find this difficult (I raise my hand on that one) and by closing your eyes your mind takes off in a hundred directions... this is where I will usually sit and look at a picture. It basically sets the scene for you and gives your mind something to focus on, then as you study the image you can start activating your other senses.
Take the above image for example: Imagine yourself sitting on that chair... it looks hard and cold and may be a little damp from the early morning dew, but the smell in the air is fresh, and as you sit with the large golden sun beaming down on your face (which might have you squinting your eyes because it is so bright) you can start to feel the warmth, and you can see and hear the sound of the gentle waves crashing on the rocks in front of you...... you feel calm, relaxed... in that moment everything else just seems to stand still. Try and stay in that moment for as long as you can! That moment can equal a second, or more... a few minutes, or more... half an hour, or more.
There are no set standards here, or rules that must be followed. Your mind and body will only take in what it needs at that moment in time. If you can only focus and relax for a few seconds, this is OK, but what you will find is the more you practice these techniques, the longer you will be able to 'stay in the moment'!
I hope this weekends blog has been able to give you a new insight, or maybe just confirmed what you already knew.. (maybe you can take it as a little nudge).
Remember you can browse my galleries for inspiring images to view, or purchase any time you like!
If you have any questions... don't hesitate to send me an email at kay.cheree@gmail.com.
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